Icon set master-apprentice

the exercise allowed me to get a feel for design icons as this is the process of copying these icons completely. I decided to create a colour of different sets of icons for each design that can be recreated. I used Figma for these designs, i thought that it was hard to get them exactly and if I was to do this again I would try using Illustrator or Procreate. this helped me visualise size and sizing of the different elements that can be used within my icon design.


Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 00.35.08.png

Music app master-apprentice

For this master apprentice task we were tasked to recreate these screens, I thought that this was very helpful before starting my music app as I was able to get inspirations and see the appropriate sizing to each of the sections and typography. I Aslo learned how to use a new feature on Figma called the gradient feature which allowed the design to pop and look similar to the original design.

Screenshot 2024-03-13 at 10.52.58.png

Dashboard master-apprentice

This is the master apprentice is completed for the dashboards which was to recreate these graphs. i thought it was very difficult to make the pie chart in a complete circle and it also allowed me to see sizing of typography and the bars ands titles. this is vital that i completed this as it gave be a feel for what i should do for my dashboard. this was helpful to see how information can be shown in a simple way, it makes it easy and more pleasing on the eye.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 15.57.31.png