During the lecture, we discussed many different ways that we can present logos such as a pictorial logo, abstract logo, monogram logo, dynamic logo, emblem or character. we looked at businesses that use different logos including Disney, Starbucks, and Nike and how their logos are very recognisable in the industry it is important to have a logo that makes the user think of the brand immediately when they look at it.

We were tasked to use a geometric triangle square and circle to create our initials and an animal of our choice, when creating these logos I took the more realistic approach to the drawing which didn’t work out as well as the second one I did for the logo as I used simple shapes and allowed it to become more like a logo as the first one was too complicated and complex and the second was simpler and more geometric.

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Pictorial logo marks

These images are reduced to the simplest forms allowing them to be symbolic. Most of these logos have no text as it should be representative of what the brand is and its values. These logos will allow the audience to associate this with the brand. Brands include Twitter, Apple, Starbucks and Nike.


Abstract logos

An abstract logo is a visual element that represents the feeling or value of your company/brand. These are very abstract and do not link to an object. This can be misleading as it might not Interpret the image as you want it to be interpreted but this will allow your company to be unique and will be instantly recognisable these logos are also very versatile as with be able to use across all advertisement and merchandise


Emblem logos

These have been around forever and consist of text, symbols, and images in a geometric shape. These allow the brand to become and feel more traditional. These have more detail and make them very sophisticated. These are mostly found on seals, stamps, crests, government agencies, and prestigious schools Eg. Harvard, brown And Yale. If a good embalm logo is created it would allow for it to pass through time



Monogram logos

These consist of just letters which are usually the brand initials most brands with these monograms have lengthy names such as NASA - the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. As it will allow the users to remember the brand. These logos are all about simplicity


Character /mascot logos

These logos are illustrated charades And are mostly fun and cartoons like these can be ambassadors for brands such as KFC, and Mickey Mouse Mail chimp these logos allow the audience to get involved and create a wholesome atmosphere.