touchpoints are any interaction of contact points with a customer and a business throughout the customer journey. these interactions can be seen through various contact points such as in-store visits, websites, social media, customer service, emails, advertisements and marketing. the business must understand touchpoints as it can help map out the customer journey, by identifying engagement and this can overall improve the customer experience. As designers, we focus on optimising the touchpoints allowing for a cohesive and flawless user experience across all the different channels. Understanding how the user will interact with the different features will provide insights that allow us to refine the design to meet the needs of the user.

laws of UX

Jakob’s law - this is the significance of familiarity in user interface design. Users will bring expectations from different UX experiences with them to other platforms. so adhering to common design patterns will be vital when creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface. innovation is still encouraged but it should complement the existing models. Jakob's law will reduce cognitive load therefore enhancing usability and satisfaction.


fitts law - this law states that the time it takes to reach a target will be determined by the distance and the size of the target. this means that the important elements should be larger and more accessible allowing for faster user interactions. this will guide the designer to make an efficient navigation system.


law of Prägnanz - this law is that humans perceive objects in the simplest form and we organise visual stimuli into coherent and simple forms. in design, we must create clear and simple compositions that are easily understood. simplifying information and reducing visual clutter will enhance the experience.


hicks law - decision time increases with the number of choices which is crucial in design meaning we emphasise the importance of simplifying options to reduce decision making allowing the user experience to be improved.


Touch screen touchpoints sizes

Touchscreen touchpoints are the specific areas users physically interact with on a touchscreen interface. These include buttons, icons, and other elements users tap or swipe. Designers focus on optimising their size, spacing, and placement for easy use. We have to consider these touchpoints as

<aside> 💡 I found these laws of Ux very interesting as I had never came across these before, it is very interesting that there is a thought process behind every design process. I am very interested in jakobs law as I will have to use this law when creating my music app as apple mucus and Spotify are the most common used music app I will have to use similar layout and features to these app to make them more accessible, I also thought the law of pragnanz was cool as our brains see information in the simplest form so that they can be easier understood and our brains organise the information
