After the critique, it was suggested that I should have the menu system at the bottom or floating across the screen, as it would be easier for the user to use as the touchpoint is closer to the bottom of the screen. after this I decided I would look at Apple’s AssistiveTouch which is a button that appears on the screen that users can drag across the screen and move to any position they find easiest, this is a shortcut menu for quick access which is want to see in my music app design.
This is very effective as it is easy to use and can suit the user’s needs and wants, I still like the design of the circle but I still want the buttons to come out of the corner rather than pop up on top of the whole screen. But I would still like to consider moving many systems so that the user can place them wherever they would want eg corners sides top and bottom. I experimented on paper with the different orientations of the menu system and moved it to Figma but when creating the centre bottom and side ones it worked on paper when I brought it to Figma I would have had to add more icons which would have made it too busy and complicated meaning that it would be harder to use in a daily basis as there would be too much to look at. I think the bottom corner menus are the most effective but I did have to add another button to these as the camera is not there, so is more similar to my past designs. I choose to go forward with the bottom corners and allow the user to change the position depending on what the touchpoints are easier for them, this would be helpful when considering if users are right or left-handed.
i considered thumb movement limitations when placing touchpoints on a screen. Designers should ensure that primary interactive elements are positioned within easy reach of the thumbs, enhancing usability and user experience. This approach aligns with a user-centric design philosophy, accommodating user behaviours and preferences for seamless navigation. to help my design be more accessibility for the user it will be important that i move the menu system to an easy accessible area as it will help the navigation of the app to be more seamless and make the app more effective and easy to use for the user.
<aside> 💡 I overall think that the critique went very well with only minor changes to the menu system, I think the change made my app more accessible and functional as of the easier to reach touchpoint at the bottom rather than the top of the screen. I think it would be cool if I was able to have this menu system to be moved to wherever the user wants it to be which will allow the app to be even more personable and accessible for all.