
HTML stands for hypertext markup language, the language used to create web pages. HTML has many elements that build the structure of the web pages and how they are displayed in the browser. to allow the browse to read the information there are different tags for the content such as

<h2>Heading 2</h2>
<h3> Heading 3</h3>
<body>Body text</body>

These tags allow the information to divided and easier to read for the user. The World Wide Web help to main and develop the HTML and is now consider a official web standard.


CCS stands for Cascading style sheets and it represent the HTML elements and how they are displayed by controlling the layout this can be multiple pages. these css files ate external spreadsheets and on the html a DIV tag can be used to group different sections. this allows for the web page to become ore appealing for the user and presents the information in an easier to read format.

Sir Timothy Berners-Lee’s html and CSS

Tim Berners Lee is the most known for the creator of the world wide web , html markup language, url and http. the first version of html was written in 1993 but the most widely used version is the 2002s html as it became standard in 1999. this was created as Tim had no way of presenting the web sites or websites to have a style. the world wide web had no styles so to create a more unified and professional look it lead to the creation of css which is a separate document which has a link to the css document, at first the design of the webpages followed a strict grid system and it can be seen in many websites to this day such as BBC and Apple.

Tim Berners-Lee: The next Web of open, linked data

After creating the world wide web Tim Berners Lee decided he needed to create a place where data is linked. He thought there was unlocked potential for the data that is presented on the WWW. He wanted a world where the information is all connect by the http and all products presented use a https. this helps organise data and it will be easier to find and have information available.

Figma design


Learning the HTML basics -

To complete the woman in design website we explored the basics of html during the 8th week. We used the simple tags including headings, paragraphs and links. we added links for the navigation bar. When doing this I thought it was hard to navigate around adding the tags but after some practice it got easier as we went along. When completing this is learned the values of having the webpage consistent with the sizes of the headings, body text, and typefaces.

Screenshot 2023-12-25 at 00.09.10.png

Adding CSS

When adding css we created a stylesheet to hold all of the code for the design of the website. I was able to add images, sizing of text, typefaces, drop caps, colour, navigation bars, quotes and links. when navigation this new language i found it difficult to make the design of the website become cohesive with my design on Figma but after the fine details such as padding and margins I was able to create a more cohesive and true to the design website. It was tricky to navigate around the Html page with the Div tags and the . selectors and switching between the pages but after figure the first couple I got a grip on how to work css.